I'm boooored o__o But I feel hyper. And I don't have anything to do. AGAIN. Not even homework O__O And I can't wait for 24 march. Because 24 march is going to be AWESOME <3 Now.. *dies and goes back to boredom*
Yes, it is 6:39 in the morning. And yes, I am posting here right about now. And yes, I've got no sleep at all. And yes, I watched Alvin and The Chipmunks once again! And god damn it, I'm so bored.
Hey, I haven't posted anything for a while again. Well my days are just too boring and I don't really like to talk about what I do everyday at school because that is just.. too boring lol
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These days I was so damn bored. I didn't had to go to school so yeah I had nothing to do. Anyway I think I should post a little more here, but I'm not sure what, so here comes a meme.